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Physics, technology and the nuclear arms race

Physics, technology and the nuclear arms race
Feldname Details
RSN 11072
Dokumententyp conference procedings
Editor(s) Hafemeister, David W.
Schroeer, Dietrich
TITLE Physics, technology and the nuclear arms race
Other Title(s) Second short course on the nuclear arms race
Place of Publ. New York
Verleger American Institute of Physics
Publ. Year 1983
Physical description 372 p.
Illustrations /Technical System Refs.
Reihe AIP Conference Proceedings
Band 104
ISBN(S) 0-88318-203-3
Signature AL 40/82
Konferenzveranstalter American Physical Society
Conf. Place Baltimore (US)
Conf.Date 17.4.1983
Kataloginformation11072 Datensatzanfang . Kataloginformation11072 Seitenanfang .
Barcode Regalstandort Literaturabteilung Bandzählg. Status Fällig am
11093 AL 40/82
General   . Verfügbar .  
. Katalogdatensatz11072 ItemInfo Datensatzanfang . Katalogdatensatz11072 ItemInfo Seitenanfang .
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