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Deciphering the universe through spectroscopy

Deciphering the universe through spectroscopy
Feldname Details
RSN 30492
Dokumententyp conference proceedings
Editor(s) Berlepsch, Regina von
Körperschaften Astronomische Gesellschaft
Variant Name AG
TITLE Deciphering the universe through spectroscopy
Place of Publ. Weinheim
Verleger Wiley-VCH
Publ. Year 2010
Physical description 262 p.
Illustrations /Technical System Index/bibl.
Reihe Reviews in Modern Astronomy
Band 22
ISBN(S) 978-3-527-41055-2
ISSN('S) 0941-1445
Signature Reihe: Reviews in modern ...
AS 22/210
Conf. Place Potsdam, Germany
Conf.Date 21.09.2009 - 25.09.2009
Subject(s) astronomical research
Inhalt 1 Dissecting Galaxies with Quantitative Spectroscopy of the Brightest Stars in the Universe: Karl Schwarzschild Lecture 2009 - 2 Stellar Archaeology - Exploring the Universe with Metal-Poor Stars: Ludwig Biermann Award Lecture 2009 - 3 Pulsations and Planets: The Asteroseismology-Extrasolar-Planet Connection: Ludwig Biermann Award Lecture 2009 - 4 Quantitative Solar Spectroscopy - Probing Dark Matter, Galaxies and the Expansion History of the Universe with Ly Alpha in Absorption and Emission - 5 Metallicity and Kinematical Clues to the Formation of the Local Group - 6 Spectroscopy of Solar Neutrinos - 7 High-fidelity Spectroscopy at the Highest Resolutions - 8 Schwarzschild Modelling of Elliptical Galaxies and their Black Holes - 9 Hypervelocity Stars in the Galactic Halo - 10 Disks and Accretion in Orion's suburbs (based on Data from VLT, CAHA, SDSS, 2MASS, and Spitzer). - 11 "Good Vibrations" Rotational - Vibrational Molecular Spectroscopy in Astronomy - Molecular Gas at High Redshift - Open Clusters and the Galactic Disk - 13 X-ray spectroscopy and Mass Analysis of Galaxy Clusters
Kataloginformation30492 Datensatzanfang . Kataloginformation30492 Seitenanfang .
Barcode Regalstandort Literaturabteilung Bandzählg. Status Fällig am
10052629 AS 22/210
Astronomy and Astrophysics   . Verfügbar .  
10050473 Reihe: Reviews in modern..
Series and Journals   . Verfügbar .  
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