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Star-disk interaction in young stars: Proceedings of the 243rd Symposium of the International Astronomical Union held in Grenoble, France, May 21-25, 2007

Feldname Details
RSN 31096
Dokumententyp conference proceedings
Editor(s) Bouvier, Jérôme
Appenzeller, Immo
Körperschaften International Astronomical Union
Variant Name IAU
TITLE Star-disk interaction in young stars
Untertitel Proceedings of the 243rd Symposium of the International Astronomical Union held in Grenoble, France, May 21-25, 2007
Media electronic resource
Other Title(s) IAU Symposium 243
Place of Publ. Cambridge, UK
Verleger Cambridge Univ. Press
Publ. Year 2007
Physical description xiv, 375 p.
Reihe Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union
Band 3
Reihe IAU Symposium
Band 243
ISBN(S) 978-0-521-87465-6
ISSN('S) 1743-9221
Signature online
Conf. Place Grenoble, France
Conf.Date 21.05.2007 - 25.05.2007
Subject(s) circumstellar disk
star formation
Internetseite / Link Electronic Access
Kataloginformation31096 Datensatzanfang . Kataloginformation31096 Seitenanfang .
Barcode Regalstandort Literaturabteilung Bandzählg. Status Fällig am
10052022 online
Electronic Collection Astronomy and Astrophysics   . *, for print edition see parallel entry .  
. Katalogdatensatz31096 ItemInfo Datensatzanfang . Katalogdatensatz31096 ItemInfo Seitenanfang .
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