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Cosmic update: dark puzzles. arrow of time. future history

Cosmic update: dark puzzles. arrow of time. future history
Feldname Details
RSN 32320
Dokumententyp monograph
Author(s) Adams, Fred
Mersini-Houghton, Laura
Buchert, Thomas
TITLE Cosmic update
Untertitel dark puzzles. arrow of time. future history
Place of Publ. New York [u.a.]
Verleger Springer
Publ. Year 2011
Physical description XI, 138 p., 35 ill., 27 in col.
Reihe Multiversal Journeys
Springer eBook Collection
ISBN(S) 978-1-4419-8294-0
Signature online
Subject(s) cosmology
Inhalt Dark Energy and Dark Matter hidden in the Geometry of Space?.- The Arrow ot Time In a Universe with a Positive Cosmological Constant.- The Future History of the Universe.- The Return of a Static Universe and the End of Cosmology.
Internetseite / Link Electronic Access
Kataloginformation32320 Datensatzanfang . Kataloginformation32320 Seitenanfang .
Barcode Regalstandort Literaturabteilung Bandzählg. Status Fällig am
10056167 online
Electronic Collection Astronomy and Astrophysics   . *, for print edition see parallel entry .  
. Katalogdatensatz32320 ItemInfo Datensatzanfang . Katalogdatensatz32320 ItemInfo Seitenanfang .
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