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The Oxford handbook of the history of modern cosmology

The Oxford handbook of the history of modern cosmology
Feldname Details
RSN 38030
Dokumententyp monograph
Editor(s) Kragh, Helge
Longair, Malcolm S.
TITLE The Oxford handbook of the history of modern cosmology
Place of Publ. Oxford [u.a.]
Verleger Oxford Univ. Press
Publ. Year 2019
Physical description xvi, 608 p., col. ill.
Reihe Oxford Handbooks
ISBN(S) 978-0-19-881766-6
Signature AS 90/480
Subject(s) cosmology
Inhalt 1: Cosmological theories before and without Einstein - 2: Observations and the universe, Robert W. Smith - 3: Relativistic models and the expanding universe - 4: Alternative cosmological theories - 5: Steady state theory and the cosmological controversy - 6: Observational and astrophysical cosmology: 1940 to 1980 - 7: Relativistic astrophysics and cosmology - 8: The cosmic microwave background: From discovery to precision cosmology - 9: Space science and technological progress: Testing theories of relativistic gravity and cosmology during - The Cold War - 10: Observational and astrophysical cosmology: 1980 to 2018 - 11: Inflation, dark matter, and dark energy - 12: Stranger things: Multiverse, string theory, physical eschatology - 13: Philosophical aspects of cosmology
Kataloginformation38030 Datensatzanfang . Kataloginformation38030 Seitenanfang .
Barcode Regalstandort Literaturabteilung Bandzählg. Status Fällig am
10080199 AS 90/480
Astronomy and Astrophysics   . Verfügbar .  
. Katalogdatensatz38030 ItemInfo Datensatzanfang . Katalogdatensatz38030 ItemInfo Seitenanfang .
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